Wel dyma'r pererinion dewr

(Ymffrost y Pererinion)
Wel, dyma'r pererinion dewr,
Achubwyd yn y 'stormydd mawr:
  Dan Sinai fe'u cynhaliwyd hwy,
  Pwy elyn a'u gorchfyga mwy?

Dyma'r rhai garodd Duw cyn byd,
Ac yn eu caru mae o hyd;
  Yn rhad maddeuodd feiau rhai'n,
  A'u gwisgo oll â lliain main.

A gwaed yr Oen
    eu prynu wna'w'd,
Eu henwau ymhlith y saint a ga'w'd;
  Hwy a gyfrifwyd y ddilai,
  O rif y bendigedig rai.

Eu Pen yw Crist,
    eu Prynwr trud,
Eu Tŵr, a'u Trysor
    yn y byd,
  Eu Harch - fe'u dwg hwy maes o law
  Yn ddiogel trwy farwolaeth draw.

Pa fater yw i'r rhai'n i gyd
Gael eu dirmygu gan y byd?
  Eu henwau da, a'u parch,
    a'u bri,
  Sy'n nghadw yn y nefoedd fry.
feiau rhai'n :: beiau'r rhai'n
Eu Pen yw Crist, eu :: Iesu_yw eu Ffrynd, a'u
Prynwr drud : Prynwr trud
fe'u dwg hwy :: fe'u caria
Pa fater :: Pwy fatter

John Dafydd 1727-? o Gaio
Alleluia 1749
Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808

priodolwyd hefyd i   |   attributed also to
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
  Mark's (<1845)
  Paul's (<1845)
  Wells (<1845)

gwelir:Wel dacw'r Brenin mawr yn dod

(The Boast of the Pilgrims)
See, here are the brave pilgrims,
Saved in the great storms:
  Under Sinai they were upheld,
  What enemy shall overcome them any more?

Here are those God loved before the world,
And he is loving them still;
  Freely he forgave the faults of those,
  And clothed the mall in fine linen.

With the blood of the Lamb
    they were redeemed,
Their names among the saints they got;
  They shall be counted no less,
  Of the number of the blessed ones.

Their Head is Christ,
    their precious Redeemer,
Their Tower, and their treasure
    in the world,
  Their Ark - he will bring them presently
  Safely through death yonder.

What matter is it to all those
Who get scorned by the world?
  Their good names, and their honour,
      and their esteem,
  Are preserved in heaven above.
Their Head is Christ, their :: Jesus is their Friend, and their
he will bring them :: he will carry them

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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